Technology and Entrepreneurship are changing our world for the better. As Entrepreneurs, Operators and Advisors, we help our partners to manage growth, transformations and new beginnings.
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Years Of Experience
Our Capabilities
Make Us Stand Out
In The Crowd
Our Capabilities
Make Us Stand Out In The Crowd
Strategy &
How to be more competitive, create sustainable value and remove friction in the market?
Digitalization & Technology
How to leverage technology to empower your business and users?
Operations Excellence & Growth
How to become smarter and more effective today, to lead tomorrow?
Strategic Finance & Transactions
How to acquire technology, talent or funds to benefit from partnerships and realise competitive edge?
Leadership & Change
How to create resilient organisations and empower humans to thrive in future?
Company Building & Innovation
How to ignite entrepreneurial spirit, capture economic potential and create systemic growth and scale?
Strategy &
How to be more competitive, create sustainable value and remove friction in the market?
Digitalization &
How to leverage technology to empower your business and users?
Operations Excellence & Growth
How to become smarter and more effective today, to lead tomorrow?
Strategic Finance & Transactions
How to acquire technology, talent or funds to benefit from partnerships and realise competitive edge?
Leadership &
How to create resilient organisations and empower humans to thrive in future?
Company Building & Innovation
How to ignite entrepreneurial spirit, capture economic potential and create systemic growth and scale?
A Holistic Take On Technology 
Products And Companies
Hear From The People
Who Trusted Us
Partnering with IC was a game changer. The strategic guidance and hands-on support were pivotal for success. I strongly recommend working with them to unlock your company’s full potential and to achieve ambitious goals.
Patrick Kirchhoff
Co-Founder (acquired by Cisco)
Sebastian’s pragmatic approach of providing structure to the organization, clearly refining strategic goals and preparing teams with valuable foresight to hit the ground running made a significant difference in scaling the company.
Fabian Pass
Managing Partner
Throughout the years of working with IC, we are consistently impressed by the team's quality and comprehensive ability to tackle complex issues. Their advisory services are of unique value, and we recommend them without hesitation.
Dr. Niels Müller-Wickop
Founder & CEO
Thanks to Sebastian, we've gained the invaluable ability to look ahead and around the bend with confidence. The advice is always actionable, the feedback always honest, sometimes brutal - just as it should.
Maurice Zomorrodi
Our Values

Define Our Work
True Integrity
We conduct ourselves with integrity in everything we do. Therefore, we expect the same from our partners. Our reputation as a trusted partner is paramount. Our word is our bond, thus we express clearly what we mean and act accordingly.
Transformational Impact
We are entrepreneurs to our very core, as such, we have inherently decided to make a transformational impact with our work. Creating sustainable value is what we consider the north star of our engagements
Collective Curiosity
We believe in the power of contrarian opinions, factfullness, courage and the pursuit of the unthought. Thus, we detach thoughts from standpoints or egos. We stay hungry, we stay foolish and we always remember that every individual might have a point.
Bold Positivity
We are in the business of taking risks. Uncertainty is our companion and change is our norm. Only those who bear a positive and joyful attitude towards the future have the ability to see the opportunity in the reassembly of the parts.
Ambitious Ownership
We aspire to be the best in what we do, therefore we set high personal and company standards. While being ambitious, we are aiming to be thoughtful, effective and accountable. We do not see value in noise or busyness, but in results, focus and excellence.

Our job is to avoid false confidence, empower organizations and help leadership teams to excel. We offer knowledge, operational insights and honest opinions to allow our partners to connect the dots and build outstanding businesses.

Have Questions?
We Got Answers!

What is the Inception Collective?
The Inception Collective is a venture boutique and advisory firm consisting of experienced builders, operators, analysts, investors and experts, who combine know-how, industry insights and access to a global venture ecosystem. With our experience and shared ambition, we align organizations to tackle hard challenges and empower teams to drive change and create sustainable value for all stakeholders.
How does one get to work with your firm?
After getting in contact, we will schedule an intro call and make a structured assessment of the potential engagement. After reviewing requirements and a potential fit, IC will provide a formal engagement letter and discuss a roadmap, timeline and required stakeholder.

The Inception Collective is committed to only working with a select number of companies at any given time. We select those based on our confidence to generate relevant transformational impact and/or dramatically increase the market value of the business. The type of engagement might differ with respect to the size of the company or scope of the project. Nevertheless, we prefer to establish lasting relationships and engagements to ensure maximum impact through our collective efforts
What sets your firm apart from others?
The Inception Collective considers the values and principles its underlying and non-negotiable foundation for an engagement. We only engage with founders, senior executives, board members and their organizations as partners, if we can confirm this foundation.

Our most successful work materializes from leaders who personally show ownership and commitment to bettering themselves and their companies. As such, we seek out leaders who value consistent, open and frank dialogues to collaboratively solve pressing problems. In short, we aspire to enhance the personal effectiveness of top executives and management teams in our partner companies. No politics. No BS.
How do you work with clients to solve their challenges?
We are not just here for the next gig, project or engagement. We are here for the symbiosis of operators, strategists, investors and businesses to build something meaningful and develop a competitive edge. With the idea of mutual empowerment, knowledge sharing and coaching, we enable our partners to build internal capacity and transform their organizations into market leading businesses.

With our headquarters in Germany and strong ties to the US, we are eager to connect the hotspots of software, hardware, technology and research to empower entrepreneurs and companies to realize ambitious projects, even if these are currently outside of their comfort zone.
How do you tailor your services to clients' needs?
We focused on delivering results, not just recommendations. With our hands-on approach, we drive value creation initiatives from company inception, strategy setting, and technology implementation to improving frontline operations and executing finance and M&A. To build holistic programs that deliver long-term, sustainable improvements, IC teams work extensively with management teams on their most pressing challenges, while growing capabilities within the organization.

As individually defined in the initial engagement strategy, our projects are functional, industry focused and driving top-line growth, improving organizational efficiency or optimizing capital productivity.
How do you work with clients to solve their challenges?
We are not just here for the next gig, project or engagement. We are here for the symbiosis of operators, strategists, investors and businesses to build something meaningful and develop a competitive edge. With the idea of mutual empowerment, knowledge sharing and coaching, we enable our partners to build internal capacity and transform their organizations into market leading businesses.
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Fusce aliquet turpis at orci bibendum, non convallis justo tempor. Vivamus vitae arcu vel velit efficitur vestibulum vel in purus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae.